Minimum received & Maximum sold

How to calculate minimun received?

When fixed input amount, minimum received means the min amount of the received coin, it equals outputAmount * (1 - slippageTolerance). If swap during times of significant price fluctuations, and swap result of output amount less than minimum received, this transaction will be rejected.


const res = await sdk.RouterV2.getBestRouter(USDT, USDC, 100000000, true, 5, '', undefined, true, false)
const slippageTolerance = 0.01

const minReceived =  res.result.outputAmount * (1 - slippageTolerance)
console.log('minReceived: ', minReceived )

How to calculate maximum sold?

When fixed output amount, maximum sold means the max amount of the sold coin, it equals inputAmount * (1 + slippageTolerance). If swap during times of significant price fluctuations, and swap result of input amount more than maximum sold, this transaction will be rejected.


const res = await sdk.RouterV2.getBestRouter(USDT, USDC, 100000000, true, 5, '', undefined, true, false)
const slippageTolerance = 0.01

const maxSold =  res.result.inputAmount * (1 + slippageTolerance)
console.log('maxSold: ', maxSold )

Last updated